January started with the earthquake on New Year's Day in Japan, and the world is still wondering when the war will break out.
Here in Oregon, late winter took off strong! The heavy snow was predicted to arrive! Rhododendron, where I live, is similar to Karuizawa in Japan. Yes, it was developed in the 70's as a vacation town. At this moment, about half of the neighbors live here, and about half of the houses are Airbnb or other short-term rentals. Before I moved here, I was told that it doesn't snow that much. But if it's snow it does! hard!!! We went to bed wondering how much snow we would get.... and it was not much snow. But that's not the end of the story. On the news "It is not done yet! the severe wind storm and cooler temperatures are coming in at the same time and then frozen rain will start. Please be careful of fallen trees and icy roads" And then the wind started to pick up in the morning... Power went out! As always, the power goes out when the wind blows because there are so many trees in our neighborhood. And when the power goes out, the Internet and cell phones don't work. We are isolated. I've taken out the books I've been meaning to read, and camping gear. I am used to it by now. But this wind is a little bit different. And it's so cold in the house! We kept feeding the firewood, but it didn't warm up at all. There was the sound of branches falling on the roof. When I woke up in the morning, the whole world was covered in ice. Everything was frozen solid! It was 6 F outside and 43 F inside! It was so cold! Of course, the power was still out, and I kept feeding firewood in the stove but the room temperature wasn't rising that much... It was a beautiful sunny day, so I decided to go for a walk to see what was going on in the neighborhood, and I saw... A huge tree had flattened three cars and knocked down four utility poles. It was going to take a while to recover from this, so I went to Portland and found out... It was even worse! A utility pole broke in half and got stuck in the roof, and fallen trees blocked streets EVERYWHERE! There were no businesses open because of burst water pipes, and trains and buses were completely paralyzed. The power was out in Portland, too, and most of the houses didn't have wood stoves, so many people were taking shelter in hotels. In the end, the power was out for 5 days and the internet was not restored for a week. Once again, I felt grateful for the lifelines. The water pipes were fine at our house. But the mugs and handles froze. I waited a few days and tried to attach the handles, but I don't know what will happen now. This is also an experience. And the new clay got frozen too.... I don't know how many hours I spent wedging. (By the way, the ceramic class was canceled for two weeks.) But, you know, this simple work is a good time for me to think about various things. What to make, how to make it, how to promote it? I wonder if the people who bought them last year are still using them. Are the catbells still wobbling around somewhere? I feel like this kind of pause doesn't happen very often. Have you had time lately to pause, slow down, and reflect on yourself? Thnking about your family, heping neighbors, or revisiting your work? t's good to have that kind of time...
